What Is A Baby Boomer- Many Say We Are A Proud Generation

What is a baby boomer? Are we a proud generation? If you are a baby boomer like myself, then you are age 55-75 as I write this post. And unless you have health issues preventing you from working, then you probably remain in the workplace.

Today we will talk about:

  • Statistics about baby boomers,
  • What has shaped baby boomers to be who they are
  • Characteristics that make the baby boomers a proud generation

What Is A Baby Boomer?

According to Wikipedia, Baby Boomers are the children born between 1943 and 1960. They were products of the post World War II completion. And yes we are a proud generation.

When the war was over the soldiers came home to their families and caught up on making babies. As a result, babies were born as the largest generational population to date.

Statistics About Baby Boomers

  • There were 79 million babies born during the baby boomer generation. Today there are approximately 76.4 remaining alive. So you ask, what is a baby boomer? We are  76.4 million strong individuals who live on to change the world.
  • 9 out 0f 10 younger baby boomers are still working. As the age rises to the 65-75 age group of baby boomers, there are at least 1/3 still in the workplace. Remember the age now is 55-75 for all born during the baby boomer generation.
  • The number of baby boomers retiring is a staggering 10,000 per day.
  • 35% of baby boomers want to start their own business and believe themselves to be entrepreneurs.
  • Baby boomers are the wealthiest generation out of the 4 generation cohort.
  • 62 or 65 is no longer the target retirement age for 65% of baby boomers.
  • Baby boomers love to work, and 35% will work by choice past the age of 65.
  • Meaningful work is the essential thing baby boomers look for in a job
a senior citizen on the computer
  • Out of the 79 million baby boomers, 32% turn to the internet to research products
  • The money in all savings and loan associations is 80% owned by baby boomers.
  • Contrary to popular belief baby boomers do spend time on the internet. Actually, they spend more time on the internet than their grandchildren by 2 hours a week.

What Shaped The Baby Boomers To Be Who They Are?

The silent generation (our parents) were a conservative group. Then along came the baby boomers who lived through a tremendous change and helped to shape an American revolution.

During the years from 1943 to 1960, the world became a new and exciting place to live. And as the baby boomers grew, they faced new challenges.

TVs were a household item with “I love Lucy” and “American Bandstand with Dick Clark.”

Dr. Spock published his first book on baby and childcare to tell us how to raise our children.

Exploring the universe with the first man on the moon helped to shape baby boomers.

We lived through and loved the introduction of rock and roll with Elvis Presley and The Beatles. Woodstock was born.

We helped to usher in desegregation and women’s rights in the workforce.

We had great leaders like John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr and witnessed with the world the death of both.

2 of the beatles done by meilssa van gogh

We were victims of the Vietnam war and the invention of the first hydrogen bomb.

The incredible inventions such as computers and the first mechanical heart transplant were significant influences on our generation.

We were also known for unrest and rebellious hearts. Baby boomers want to wake the world up and make their mark.

While the world is still asking, what is a baby boomer we are a steadfast and immovable generation with ethics and morals that will live in our hearts forever. We know who we are and what we can accomplish.

Here is your answer to “What is a baby boomer?” We are a proud generation.

Characteristics That Make The Baby Boomers A Proud Generation

We, baby boomers, believe that education is vital to lead a successful life and are the highest educated generation.

We love to work and live for work. We believe it is imperative to be productive at work. Most of us are not sure what we will do after retirement, so we put it off for years.

2 men doing manual labor

We grew up in an era where discipline was not taken lightly, so we are well disciplined and very structured.

We are independent with a strong work ethic and make great entrepreneurs.

We work hard to achieve personal gratification in our own lives and the workplace. Rational decisions come easy for us.

We take responsibility seriously and are generally an optimistic generation with strong personal confidence.

Making money is not enough for us. We want to leave a legacy. We want the world to remember us when we leave this earth.

What Will Baby Boomers Do?

How will you continue to feel important in a world that believes you are too old or aging and need to leave the workplace?

Remember you identify yourself with your work. You love to work and look for personal gratification. How will you find this when you retire?

And with the overspending and under-saving that we baby boomers are well known for how will you afford to retire?

I am a baby boomer born late in the generation in the year 1957.

sign with success and solution

I can share with you what I have done to solve this problem. But I can’t change your circumstances. That is up to you to decide how you will tackle the road ahead.

I have a strong work ethic and as a nurse for 40 years. I love nursing but was so tired of stomping the concrete floors. So when the opportunity came along to retire with my husband at the age of 62, we jumped at it.

I had started an online affiliate marketing business about six months before I retired so I would have something to do with my time.

But I did not know at the time of retirement how I would feel. I was so excited to have time to rest and travel. We even moved to Florida to be in the warm climate.

My husband and I were lost. We no longer had that personal gratification of knowing we were doing good work to help others.

I loved my work and had to do something other than watch TV. I wanted to feel needed and wanted.

So my online affiliate marketing business became my new confidence builder. I didn’t just dabble in it like I did before I retired. My baby-boomer competitive side kicked in, and I had to succeed.

Why My Baby Boomer Story?

You may be wondering, “why did she tell me her baby boomer story?”

I know many of you are having the same feelings I have had.

You have either chosen to retire or forced out of the workplace.

I want to give you the same opportunity I had to become an entrepreneur and succeed at the age of 62 or 55 or 75.

word yes in green

Can You Do This?

I don’t even have to think about this question. I know you can do this.

I am a successful entrepreneur who operates an online affiliate marketing business.

My background is in nursing, not affiliate marketing.

We have found out what is a baby boomer and have solutions to the upcoming issues with retirement. It is time to retire from the physical workforce and become an entrepreneur. We have an incredible work ethic and believe education will take us far.

10 thoughts on “What Is A Baby Boomer- Many Say We Are A Proud Generation”

  1. Hi Laura, the figure you gave about baby boomers born between 1943-1960, is it birth of babies in the whole world or only in America?

    Always I hear about baby boomers and actually don’t understand what it means. First I thought it meant babies who migrated from other countries to the United States in search of greener pastures.

    Thank you for the educative piece.

    • Thank you for your need for clarification. In the article, I left a link to explain this better. I will leave it again here for you. 


      It is from Wikipedia and talks about baby boomers from North America, Australia, and western Europe. It is anyone worldwide who was involved with WW I and the ending of the war. The numbers I gave on how many baby boomers are still alive include those baby boomers who fit the description and have migrated to the US from other countries.

      I hope this helps. 


  2. Oh, this is great. I am happy to learn about baby boomers. Around here, we have a couple of them, and they are jolly fellows. Most of them are retired, but some still fancy going to work because like you say they like to work. I will share your post with them so they can see your excellent business opportunity — nice post you have here.

    • Yes please do share this with your baby boomer friends. We do love to work and they may find WA a great place to supplement their income. Thank you.

  3. I wonder what made the baby boomers be the wealthiest generation of the four cohorts. I would love to find that out. Such a fantastic age group, and it seems there was a lot of change this generation was able to implement. My generation can benefit from the significant changes the Baby Boomer generation helped to make.
    The baby boomers have aged, but I can see they are a proud generation. To have experienced all those events that changed the world must be an incredible experience.

    • Baby boomers are the wealthiest generation because of strong integrity and work ethic also because they are a large generation in numbers. 

  4. The baby boomers are genuinely the golden generation and virtually the movers and shakers of all the changes in the world. This generation has done a lot for humanity both positively and negatively, but then, the positive influence is more than the negative impact. 

    I appreciate baby boomers for their work ethic and integrity.

    The baby boomers are the most influential generation the world has ever seen. Thanks

  5. I am not a baby boomer, but my mum is, and she’s undoubtedly a proud one. Currently, she’s retired, and she loves plants a lot. I can tell she loves this world. That’s one other thing I think is a characteristic of the baby boomers. She takes care of plants, and she loves animals too. She tells stories of the old times and gives a contrast to how the world is now. She tells me about how things have evolved also. I think the baby boomers are great storytellers. Your job opportunity sounds cool, and I should share this with her too. Nice post.

    • Sounds like your mum and I have a lot in common. I too love plants and care for them well. Yes please do share this with her. She might enjoy creating an online business she can operate from home. 


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